Name of institution: Archives & Special Collections, Brock University Library
Mailing address: 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
City: St. Catharines, Ontario
Country: Canada
Email address:
Your collections page relating to parapsychology holdings:
Description of your institution:
The Archives & Special Collections department within the Brock University Library preserves and makes accessible any primary and secondary resources that features Niagara-based content whether it is the local environment, historic events, the people, arts and culture, or, in this case, parapsychology.
Description of how and when your institution started acquiring archival, library or artifact collections relating to parapsychology:
These materials were donated to the Brock Library in the 1990s to be part of our Niagara Collection.
Your main collections in the field, including the names of prominent creators:
We have archival materials and published works from the Radiant Healing Centre / Church of the Divine Revelation which was a prominent spiritualist church in St. Catharines in the 1930s.
The Radiant Healing Centre fonds (formerly was the Church of the Divine Revelation)
Jenny Helena Florence O’Hara / Jenny Pincock
Robert Newton Pincock
Reverend Fred Maines
William Cartheuser
Dr. Anderson (in spirit form) / John Berry Anderson
F.E. Hetherington
Finding aids for your main parapsychology collections:
Any relevant external websites of prominent creators of your holdings: